Symptoms of Hostile Aggressive Parenting
Hostile-Aggressive Parenting (HAP) generally can be categorized into three levels, the first being
“moderate” (the most common) and the second being “severe” and the third being “critical.”
Identifying the behaviours of hostile-aggressive parents is the first step to determining the category
and deciding on the necessary corrective actions to be taken.
The majority of hostile-aggressive parents falls into the moderate category. Parents in this category
are often able to keep their abusive parenting behaviour from being noticed to any great extent by
others or they manage to keep it at a level that others will likely turn a blind eye to it. In the severe
category, the abusive parenting is more conspicuous, with others in the community being able to
identify many of the symptoms. The risk of harm to a child is greater in the serious category than
with the items considered as being moderate. The campaign of a hostile-aggressive parent in the
severe category may be almost continual. In the severe category there may be frequent intervention
by police and other support agencies as well as open defiance to court custody and access orders.
Many of these parents have become quite bold, confident as they are that the system does little to
establish consequences for their actions.
In the “critical” category, most people would consider this behaviour highly abnormal and even
dangerous to the well-being of a child. Intervention is usually required immediately.
There are a minority of parents, however, whose Hostile-Aggressive Parenting is so chronic and
deep-seated that they may be considered fanatical. Often parents in this category may suffer from
emotional or psychological disorders. It is in this category that the hostile-aggressive parent’s
behaviour towards the friendly parent and the child is likely to be alarming. The hostile parent may
utilize a wide variety of hostile and aggressive tactics designed to make life difficult for the friendly
parent and to disrupt their child’s relationship with the friendlier parent. The rationalization that the hostile-aggressive parent uses to justify their behaviour
becomes more frivolous & absurd as the degree of HAP progresses. The hostile-aggressive parent
describes the other parent as all bad and attempts to program his or her hate of the other parent into
the child in what is described by health care professionals as “Parental Alienation.”
Symptoms of Mild Hostile Aggressive Parenting
often say bad things about the other parent and constantly try to put a negative perspective on
many of the things that the other parent does, even when the other parent is being reasonable
and fair. HAP parents will not justify why they are saying to the child but just say bad things
about the other parent.
Hostile-Aggressive Parents may try to avoid written communication such as letters, e-mails or
faxes as these documents generally provide evidence to reveal their abusive and
uncooperative behaviour. Some HAP parents may send typewritten notes on occasion but
often will not put their signature on their notes.
The HAP parent wishes to frustrate the other parent and believes that their
lawyer will help them makes things more difficult and further frustrate the other party’s efforts
to communicate.
Frustrating telephone communications is one of the most common behaviours that HAP
parents demonstrate. The HAP parent will often attempt to frustrate phone communication in
the following ways:
- When the phone rings, they will pick up the phone but then immediately hang up the
phone on the calling party.
- Will not answer the phone when the other parent calls. Often the child may witness
their parent let the phone ring & ring numerous time without picking it up.
- Turn off their answering machine when they see that it is the other parent who is calling
which makes it difficult for the other parent to leave messages.
- Use the call block feature on the phone so that the other party cannot ring through to
their number even though the other parent’s actions would not warrant the blocking of
- Will hang up the phone immediately at the end of a conversation without giving the
other parent a chance to respond.
Not return phone messages left by the other parent even when left on an answering
- Force the child to speak to the other parent or family members on speakerphone or
listen in on the children’s private conversations. Some HAP parents will force the child
to converse with the other parent over a speakerphone or will listen in on the child
conversation’s so that they can hear their child’s live telephone conversations with the
other parent. HAP parents are literally paranoid about anything that their child may
say to the other parent or about what the other parent may say to the child.
- Will order their child not to answer the phone when it rings, thereby limiting the child’s
telephone contacts with the other parent. Many children in this situation are aware that
their other parent is trying to call but are often too fearful of the HAP parent to pick up
the phone even though they would like to.
- Will grab and take away the phone from the child in the middle of a conversation with
the other parent.
- Remove phones after use and lock them away in a closet or room so that the child has
no access to a phone or install phones high up on a wall, out of the reach for smaller
children to be able to answer.
- Will not let the child use a cell phone that the other parent may have provided to the
child in an attempt to help overcome some of the telephone communication difficulties.
Sometimes the HAP parent will take the cell phone that was given for the child’s use and
use it for their personal use and run up a bill which must be paid by the other parent..
Often the child will observe the telephone manners of HAP parent which sets a bad role
model for the child. The Hostile-Aggressive Parent wishes to limit the child’s contact with the
other parent and frustrate the other parent. In some cases, HAP parents are trying to get the
other parent to do something that they can use as an excuse to call police.
have the child call the other parent at prescribed times, even court ordered, and then say that
the child did not want to speak to the other parent. Very often these children are afraid to even
ask as they know the HAP parent will not be happy and may punish them in some ways.
HAP parents will generally call on behalf
of the child even when the child is old or mature enough to relay the information to the other
parent. For example, the HAP parent may call and tell the other parent that the child wants to
come to their home for lunch. Rather than allowing the child to call himself/herself, the HAP
parent will call to give the message.
This could range from allowing a young child to stay up far too
late at night or allowing the child not to do his/her homework. This is especially harmful with
a teenage child as it encourages the child to manipulate one parent against the other to avoid
discipline and consequences. Hostile-aggressive parents will allow the child to make
decisions which clearly the child should not be making just for the purpose of getting the child
to side with the HAP parent.
HAP parents try to deceive children by telling them
that they cannot spend more time with the other parent because the court Order prohibits it.
Although the HAP parent knows otherwise, the HAP parent wants the child to think that it is
the court’s fault so that they can deflect blame away from themselves.
Some examples may include
telling the child that they will be lonely or not loved if the child leaves to go with the other
parent or telling the child that they were really looking forward to the child spending time
with them for a specific event or function, even though it was the other parent’s parenting
time. Children find it very difficult to express their wishes when put under pressure by the
parent they are with at the time or against the wishes of the parent that they perceive to have
the most power and control over them.
The hostile-aggressive parent will make all kinds of excuses and employ all sorts of
tactics to impede negotiations between the other parent for summer holidays and other
holidays throughout the year. The hostile-aggressive parent’s intention is to create
uncertainty with the other parent, to create difficulties with the other parent’s schedule and to
hopefully through the delay, to minimize the amount of time that the child will have to spend
with the other parent. Quite often, an HAP parent will delay matters and then say that they
already have things planned with the child, which of course, interferes with the non-custodial
parent’s ability to schedule time with the child. The HAP parent is always looking for ways to
make sure that the child’s time is scheduled around the HAP parent’s priorities and not
around the child’s wishes or the priorities of the other parent.
Quite often the hostileaggressive
parent will chose friends or people they know who will accept their side of the
story without questioning them. They will search out to find day care providers who will side
with them or bend the truth in their favour to help them make things difficult for the other
parent. The daycare workers these parents choose often are ones who they know will not get
"involved" to help resolve problems or will keep silent about reporting irregularities involving
the children. Such daycare providers become, in effect, collaborative supporters to child
Choose third parties over the other parent to care for the child when he/she is ill and not
in school, regardless of the other parent’s availability and willingness to care for the
child. The hostile-aggressive parent will use every opportunity to keep the other parent from
having the chance to parent the child regardless of the wishes of the child or other parent so
at times such as when the child is ill, the HAP will hire a babysitter in preference to allowing
the other parent to care for the child.
The hostile-aggressive parent will use every
opportunity to keep the other parent from having the chance to parent the child regardless of
the wishes of the child or other parent.
HAP parents will attempt to prevent the child from being with the other parent on special occasions
such as birthdays, Father's or Mother's day, special family gatherings, etc. HAP parents can
be very innovative in inventing excuses to keep children from seeing the other parent.
HAP parents may make a big issue about when the
children are dropped off or picked up. Usually it is the sole custodial parent who is able to
make the biggest fuss about this as the non-custodial parent has little ability to raise an
For instance, a hostile parent may refuse to vary
parenting time to allow a child to attend events such as dance rehearsal, birthday parties and
other events because they are desired by other parent.
Generally, the HAP parent does not want any other third parties involved who may bear
witness to their Hostile-Aggressive Parenting. Quite often, the Hostile-aggressive parent will
claim that third parties are biased or unprofessional as a way to justify not wanting to have
them involved. HAP parents may initially support the involvement of third parties but then
reject involvement of these people once they see that the third parties will not support their
HAP behaviours.
Generally, the HAP parent will try to make allegations of bias or non-professionalism against
anyone who may become involved with helping the family. This may include assessors, social
workers, access supervisors, child advocates, etc. HAP mothers will often allege that these
people are members or supporters of “radical father’s rights” organizations in an attempt to
discredit them before the court. Conversely, an HAP father may allege that the people are
radical feminists or closely associated with women’s abuse shelters.
The hostile-aggressive parent will often take
his/her child to a professional such as counsellor or family doctor to obtain documentation
such as letters of support or opinions which may help them win to disrupt the child’s
relationship with the other parent. The HAP parent will not want the professionals to obtain
any input from the other parent as they do not want the professional to be influenced by information from the friendly parent, which often is only the truth.
Unwilling to consider any kind of fair and equal parenting arrangement for the child
when such an arrangement is desired by the other parent and/or the child. Most Hostile-
Aggressive parents cannot bear the thought of the other parent getting the same rights as they
do with the children. Although most children can adapt quite well to a variety of parenting
arrangements, HAP parents will insist that for reasons of consistency and predictability, the
child must be with them for a greater amount of time than with the other parent. The HAP
parent will use the “home base” for the child argument.
HAP parents will
sometimes plan activities for the child during the child’s scheduled time to be with the other
parent. For instance, a custodial parent may sign the child up for a sports activity which may
involve the child’s participation on days that the child will be with the other parent. Although
having both parents show cooperation to support a common interest of the child is good,
unilaterally planning the child’s time with the other parent this may be considered controlling
and abusive when the other parent has less than 50% time share with the child, which is
usually the case with most non-custodial parents.
When an HAP parent attempts
to make plans for the child and finds that the other parent is not able to accommodate such
plans, then the HAP parent will lay blame on the parent and tell the child they can’t go to the
event because of the other parent. The HAP parent will say things to the child to make it look
like it was the other parent’s fault such as, “you won’t be able to go now because your other
parent does not really want you to go there”. The HAP parent will then tell friends and
neighbours that the other parent did not want to do something good for the child.
Very similar to making
plans for the child on the other parent’s time, HAP parents will sometimes entice the child to
not want to go with the other parent. For instance, a custodial parent may offer such things
as: to take the child to an outing at a cottage, to go boating, on a trip, get a new pet such as a
dog or cat, etc. Most of the things that the parent offers are things that they know the child
would really like to do or to have. By doing this, the parent instils in the child that
materialistic things are more important than the child’s relationship with both of his/her

Very similar to making plans for
the child on the other parent’s time, HAP parents will often not pass on notices from school in
relation to children’s homework or school trips. HAP parents often want to keep this
information from the other parent to show that they have control over the flow of information
from the child’s school. Often HAP parents will tell the school that the other parent is not
allowed to obtain information from the school without their consent.
HAP parents will often not inform the other parent if the child has injured themselves, even if the
injuries are serious enough that the child had to be taken to the doctor’s office or hospital.
The HAP parent will tell the other parent days later and sometimes not until the other parent’s
regular parenting time. Sometimes the HAP parent may use the situation to tell the child that
the other parent could not be bothered to see them when they were injured.
The hostile aggressive
parent will “clear house” by throwing out wedding gifts, wedding gowns and rings
and other memorabilia relating to the couple’s past relationship. Items which could be of
immense value to a child in later years are discarded with little consideration.
In some cases the other parent may be doing another totally separate activity in the
school but the hostile-aggressive parent will not want to even be at the school, knowing the
other parent is in the same building.

The HAP parent is often fearful of
the child disclosing information to outside third parties without their knowledge which may
affect their situation with the court. HAP parents are often fearful of third parties asking the
child about his/her wishes and preferences. Many HAP parents will use their sole custodial
status to prevent anyone professional from speaking to the child so that the child is kept silent.
The HAP parent needs to be seen as the better parent and to achieve this
goal will resort to many tactics to undermine the credibility and reputation of the other
parent. The HAP parent will often speak unfavourably about the other parent to everyone
they know.
Many HAP parents have difficulty defending their allegations when
the other parent is present to defend themselves. To avoid embarrassment and being faced
with often is the truth, HAP parents will tend to try to avoid open dialogue or family group
conferences which tend to expose the lies of HAP parents. To thwart attendance at such
meetings and conferences, HAP parents will often say that they are fearful for their safety to
attend such a meeting and that being in the same room with their former spouse could pose a
danger to them. Even when security measures are suggested, HAP parents will come up with
some other excuse in an attempt to thwart any process which promotes openness and

Many HAP parents play on their children’s guilt and tell their
child is that they will never be welcomed back in the home again if they ever go to live with
the other parent or show greater affection for the other parent.
Many HAP parents will ask the child to report back to them about activities in the other
parent’s home and will tell the child to keep their “spying” activities a secret from the other
parent. Often HAP parents will interrogate the child for information after each child’s visit
with the other parent.
In many cases, the HAP parent actually creates the conflict before going to court as
a strategy to win custody in court and then blame the other side for the conflict. A dead give
away to HAP parents that attempt to use this strategy to their advantage is that they cannot
show any real reasonable attempt to have tried to resolve the problem with outside third

In many cases, the HAP
parent will creates conflict with their child many times when the child returns from visits with
the other parent. The parent may interrogate the child about the visit, or may say bad things
about the other parent to get the child upset. When the child does get upset out of frustration,
the HAP parent will report the child’s behaviour and report that this problem seems caused by the visits with the other parent.
In most cases, the HAP parent is trying to have the child’s access to the other parent reduced
by placing blame on the other parent.
Symptoms of Severe Hostile Aggressive Parenting
A significant number of HAP parents
will use excessive physical discipline bordering assault when disciplining their children. Some
children have reported being slapped, pushed around and roughly handled.
HAP parents will ignore or challenge the authority of almost any court when it comes to
parenting time – if they believe that they can get away with it. Hostile-Aggressive parents will
constantly look at ways in which to deprive the other parent/guardian of time with the children
and will challenge the resolve of the court to correct it. This is most commonly referred to as
“access denial.”
An HAP parent will
sometimes resort to telling a child that the other parent is not their biological parent.
Sometimes this may even be true. However, the HAP parent will cause further emotional
abuse to the child by disclosing this to the child at the time of separation in order to make the
child believe that they really do not belong to the other parent and that the other parent cannot
love them as much because the other parent is not a real parent. Often this strategy is used by
a parent when they are trying to invoke parental alienation into the child.
HAP parents in the severe category will often go so far as to make false sexual or
physical abuse allegations which can devastate the other parent. Often HAP parents will
claim that the child is “afraid” of the other parent. HAP parents will call police and child
welfare protection officials with their fabricated stories, knowing that an investigation often
will result in the other parent losing contact with the child for extended periods of time until
an investigation is complete.
Some HAP parents will use every dirty trick in the book, especially false
allegations to force their child to have to visit with the other parent in a very restricted
supervised setting. Some HAP parents will even try to force children over the age of eight to
visit with their other parent in a supervised facility. The HAP parent uses the supervised
access as a form of punishment to the other parent and also as a way to get the child to not
want to go to the supervised access center as most of the supervised facilities are very boring
for children above the age of eight.

The HAP parent will ignore special
days and discourage the child from showing respect for the other parent. Some children may
actually wish to communicate with their other parent but are afraid to mention this to their
HAP parent who most likely is the custodial parent.

Often children under
the control of a custodial HAP parent will exhibit serious behaviour problems. They may fight
with the HAP parent continuously. The HAP parent will then allege that these behaviours are
as a result of the non-custodial parent’s actions and allege that the non-custodial parent is
brainwashing the children. HAP parents will attempt to defect any blame on to others in order
to hide their HAP behaviours.

Although major research studies have shown that involvement of parents at the child’s school,
especially non custodial parents, can be beneficial to the child’s performance at school, HAP
parents will use every trick they can to keep the other parent out of their child’s school life.
Most commonly, HAP parents will call school officials and tell them that the other parent is
not allowed to see the child at any time while the child is at school.
Changing a child’s surname is something done almost
exclusively by mothers. HAP parents will sometimes change their child’s name purposely to
insult to the other parent or as a show their power over the other parent. HAP parents may
change names on school records and other documents, often without following proper legal
change of name procedures. Maiden names are often used and in some cases mothers will
even change the last name of their child to be the same as their most recent common law
spouse. Surnames become a flavour of the day with HAP parents and change as often as they
change partners.
In many cases, HAP parents want
to humiliate their former spouse and will pressure their child to call the other parent by
his/her first name. Quite often while the HAP parent pressures the child to call the other
parent by his/her first name, the HAP parent will insist that the child refer to their new partner
as “mommy” or “daddy.”
Although most hostile-aggressive
parents will try not to leave evidence of their behaviour, some in the serious category will even
refuse to accept registered mail that may be sent to them regarding their separation, divorce
or parenting arrangements.

For example, a hostile aggressive parent may
provide the names and phone numbers of people to call should their be an emergency at
school yet avoid mentioning the other parent or family members, even though they may be
more able to provide assistance in the event of an emergency at school or daycare.

Such acts could include damaging the other parent’s car or home. During cohabitation, this
may include the scenario where the HAP parent throws the other parent’s personal
possessions and clothes out on the front lawn or driveway, etc..

These outbursts by the HAP parent often cause fear and anxiety
in the child. These types of outbreaks are an indicator of emotional instability.

Some HAP parents will
tell the other parent they can see the child but only if they pay them more money for the
privilege. Sometimes the HAP parent can be more subtle by telling the other parent to pay for other expenses, even when the parent may already be paying child
support for the child.

HAP parents in the severe category
will often outright refuse to follow the recommendations and advice of mediators, doctors and
outside third party professionals even after hostile parenting behaviours have been brought to
the attention of the HAP parent. HAP parents will continue their campaign of terror no matter
what others have to say to them. Often, HAP parents will not even listen to the advise of their
own lawyer.

Unethical lawyers working for HAP parents may attempt to intimidate third parties at the school by telephoning
them or writing to them in an attempt to intimidate them. Lawyers have been known to call
school officials in an attempt to solicit information favourable to their client which is often
done in a manner to distort the truth. Some lawyers will lead school officials to believe that
they must restrict access to one parent and that the school must do as the HAP parent tells
them to.

HAP parents will often turn and walk away in
another direction in a store or shopping mall should they accidentally meet their child with the
other parent. The HAP parent’s anger is so strong that it blocks their ability to even act civilly
in public.

HAP parents will often divide siblings by turning away from any of their own children who do not
side with them in their campaign of aggression against the other parent. For example, the
HAP parent may not return phone calls from other children in the family or refuse to invite the
other children to attend activities or events that they have invited the other “favoured”
children to attend.

HAP parents in the severe category generally desire to destroy any
positive relationship that their own child may have developed with step parents or step
siblings. The HAP parent takes the position that once the relationship is over between the
parents, then the relationship that any child may have with the other parent or family is also

Some HAP parents may restrict all
access to a phone in their home by their child in order to prevent the child from
communicating with the other parent. Some HAP parents may change their phone service to a
cellular service which they keep with them at all times. Some children are not even allowed to
know their phone numbers at home, thus preventing phone contact by the child’s friends.

The HAP parent may threaten or intimidate a
child by telling them things to make them scared or sad such as destroying a pet or refusing to
give the child something that the parent had previously promised to give to the child.

Some HAP
parents may intimidate or threaten the child and force them to go back on previous statements
that they may have made to social workers or police. Forcing children to lie can result in
tremendous emotional harm..

Some HAP parents will literally
interrogate their child immediately or shortly after the visit with the other parent, sometimes to
the point of making their child cry into depression. Some HAP parents are literally obsessed
with knowing about everything that goes on and what is said with the intent of finding
something that they can use against the other parent. Some HAP parents are fearful of what
the child may be saying to the other parent.

Some HAP parents will go so far as to get their
children to write hurtful letters to the other parent. Often these HAP parents will dictate to the
child what they want the child to write in their letters. Some parents are so disturbed in their
parenting as to write the letter and to forge the child’s signature on the letter. Quite often, it is
the language that gives away the HAP parents as the words used in such letters are often years
ahead of the child’s vocabulary for his/her age and maturity.

Some HAP parents will interfere and try to break off their child’s contact with other
children who may be associated with the other parent. The HAP parent wants to cut the child
off with having anything to do with the other parent’s home, including having friendships
when with the other parent. To erode the child’s relationships with other children, the HAP
parent, will refuse to take calls from the other children or tell other children when they call
that the child is not available. Over a period of time the other children, just stop calling.

Some HAP parents have been
known to involve their child criminal activities such as shoplifting or stealing. A HAP parent
will turn a blind eye should they see things brought back to the house that were likely obtained
by illegal methods. Often the HAP parent is afraid to say anything as they know that the only
thing that keeps the child loyal to them is the fact that the child has total freedom while at the
home of the HAP parent.

Some HAP parents will break the law and intercept
letters for the child or letters that the child may be sending out. HAP parents will sometimes
open and read letters that have arrived for the child and sometimes destroy letters from the
other parent.

Some HAP parents will find
out their child’s password for their e mail account and intercept the child’s messages from the
other parent or from other family members. Often the child will not even be aware that mail
from other parties is not being received as the HAP parent may erase the messages that they
do not want the child to see.

Some HAP parents will withdraw money that was in a joint bank account or RESP intended for
the child. They do this in order to take control of the money and to exercise their control over
the other parent. Although in some cases these parents may actually take the money and
redeposit the money into another account for the child, the actions of the HAP parent is often
intended to anger the other parent and to show the other parent that the HAP parent has more
influence over the child’s life than the other parent.
Examples of Critical Risk Behaviours/Indicators
The term “Critical Risk Behaviour/Indicator” refers to any behaviour or action of a parent or
guardian which would be considered as so potentially damaging or neglectful to a child’s physical or
emotional well-being as to warrant immediate intervention and removal of the child from the care of
the parent at the very least on an interim basis. Under many child welfare protection laws, most of
these behaviours would be considered as meeting the threshold for child abuse, neglect or
In most cases, the presence of any Critical HAP Behaviours/Indicators listed here will warrant
immediate intervention and removal of the parent’s custody rights and comprehensive review of the
child’s time with the HAP parent.

HAP parents may make plans and then flee with the child without any warning and take the
child to another state, province and in some cases another country, leaving no trace of where
they were taking the child. In some situations, parents have been successful in hiding the
children for years.

Some HAP parents exhibit a gross
unwillingness or inability to reduce the child’s exposure to HAP influences by literally
refusing to follow any recommendations intended to reduce HAP influences after being
formally cautioned about the harm that these behaviours could cause the child and the
consequences of their actions.

Some HAP parents will threaten to kill, to seriously harm,
sexually or physically assault or to use a weapon against a child. Some children have
reported being thrown against walls, hit with objects and forcefully wrestled and held down
on the floor for just doing simple things such as trying to use the phone to speak to their noncustodial

Some HAP parents have attempted suicide,
threatened suicide or have overdosed on drugs as part of a suicide attempt while they hve
been caring for a child. Some children have witnessed their parents attempt to take their lives.

Some HAP parents will attempt to
extort a signature on court documents from the other parent in matters relating to any issue.
Often these HAP parents will use denial of access to children as their key weapon to extort or
blackmail the other parent.

Some HAP parents may plan and attempt to carry out
the act of murdering or maiming the other parent either themselves or through a third party
“hit” person.

In some cases, children
will report being physically or sexually assaulted by the parent’s current boyfriend, girlfriend
or spouse. Sometimes the parent will help to conceal the abuse from authorities and in some
cases become a collaborator to the crime.

Some HAP parents will have wild parties
where there is excessive use of drugs and alcohol, fighting, etc. while the child is staying in
the home. Often the child sees these activities and is often feels uncomfortable or afraid of the

Some HAP parents may refuse to
obtain medical treatment for their child when the child is in need of medical treatment.

Some HAP parents may increase
their involvement in a religious group or cult. Often HAP parent find sympathetic supporters
in such activities and are often able to get the others in the religious group to support their
HAP behaviour. Many times the HAP parent will also get their child tied up with activities
with the group and will use this as an excuse to deprive the other parent of access at times.