Hostile Aggressive Parenting or HAP is a serious form of child maltreatment and abuse, and is encountered
in most high conflict child-custody disputes and is often used as a tool to align the child with one parent during

A parent suffering from HAP will do their best to interfere with the relationship of a child with another person, usually the other parent or guardian. Such interferences could include
using an older sibling to control the child, guilting the child into submission, not allowing telephone, email or any other communication between the child and the other person...
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Help stop the abuse
all children deserve to love, and not have to hide their love.

children that come from a HAP parent often become depressed, sometimes suicidal. Help us spread the word and get
help to these kids. We are open to suggestions to helping spread the word, below are some ideas:

• are you a HAP victim? Write us your story.
• write an article and submit it to your local newspapers (& send us a copy too!)
• recommend going through this site: UpToParents.org
• Ask Oprah to do a show on HAP
• Ask Dr. Phil to do a show on HAP
• Ask your local religious leaders to do a sermon on HAP and it's consequences.
• Send us a suggestion to share with others..
This site is dedicated to the children who are suffering under the hands of HAP parents. We strive to educate the public
about this growing problem in hopes of getting help to the HAP parent, and to the suffering kids. HAP parents may not realize they have HAP. It's up to friends, family & the community
to educate them and encourage them to seek help.
 Do you think you or anyone you know is suffering from HAP? Complete our
questionaire to find out.

Children should be allowed to love both parents, and feel loved by both parents. It is of utmost importance for both parents to encourage a relationship between the kids and the other parent.
Standing together as parents is important in a marriage, but ironically, it is even more important in cases of divorce, separation or turmoil, and is a sign of great parenting!
Is this someone you know?
does this person:

• badmouth a parent in front of the children and at every opportunity?

• not answer the phone when the other parent calls?

• convince the child that they should change their surname?

• play on the children's feelings of guilt and sympathy?

• use the child as a weapon against the other parent and family members?

• order or manipulate the child to not answer the phone when it rings?

• say that the child does not want to speak for to the other parent?

• undermine the other parent by encouraging the child to defy the other parent
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Help us spread the word about HAP and get help to the kids who are suffering.
Donate now
all monies will go towards maintaining this site and
spreading the word about HAP, through internet, print, radio and any other means we can.